Dr. Vibha as a Social worker
Social work is when we do something for the upliftment of the welfare of society without profit or without any personal benefit. With the help of social work we can bring some change in our society, we can help poor people in resolving the challenges which are faced by them in their daily lives.
- Marathon Run For Girls Education
- Charitable Sports Day
- Aqua Yoga Day
- Meditation Centre
- Donating Blanket to Orphanage Kids.
So, here is the list of my 10 Social work tasks For Diadem Mrs. India Legacy
- Promoting rural education.
- Learning new methods of Diabetes Management in Singapore #Globally #No Boundaries.
- Promoting #MHM(Menstrual hygiene management) in poverty-stricken uneducated girls and women
- Water Bowl projects & droplets of kindness.
- Camping about the #POSCO (Protection of children’s against sexual harassment) act 2012.
- Awareness about Leprosy and breaking the TABOO that it’s spread by touching.
- Spending quality time with intellectually disabled children and adults.
- Clean hands save a life.
- Awareness about yoga & health.
- I Stand In Support Of Third Gender Equality.
Marathon Run For Girls Education
Fund-raising charity runs for underprivileged children. Motivating people to be a part of a 16 km run so that we can raise funds for the education and other necessities of underprivileged children.

Charitable Sports Day
Motivating people to use bicycles to keep our environment clean and pollution-free. Also educating women about their physical health.
Aqua Yoga
Aqua yoga is a form of yoga in which the asanas are performed underwater. It is very helpful for women in dealing with premenopausal to menopausal period.

Mediation Centre
It is my dream to create awareness about the importance of mental and physical health, I want to spread peace all over the world.
Donating Blanket to Orphanage Kids At Sindoore Event

Promoting Rural Child Education
Learning new methods of diabetes awareness at Singapore

Educating underprivileged, poverty stricken, uneducated girls & women about women menstrual hygiene management
Water Bowl Project Droplets of Kindness

Camping about the #POSCO (Protection of Children’s Against Sexual Harassment) Act 2012
Awareness about leprosy & breaking the taboo that it's spread by touching. "LEPROSY DAY" 30th January

Be The Change Cause Spending quality time with intellectual disabled children & adults.
Be The Change Cause Clean hand save life and learn importance of Hygiene

Awareness about yoga & health
Be The Change Cause Third Gender Equality
The Government has already passed the landmark junction in 2014 that the third gender has all equal rights to equality, education and jobs, but still, they do not get respect in our society. I met many third-gender people and spoke to them about their needs and wants from society, asked them if the only change in laws is sufficient for them. I want to spread the word about these people and explain to others that they just want to live a life of dignity and respect.